Factors To Consider Before Investing In Antique Lighting And Mirrors

February 18, 2014 BY Carrocel Interiors | Leave a response

Considering investing in antique lighting or mirrors? While antiques can fetch you rewarding returns, a lot depends on the quality, public taste and market conditions. Experts also caution against putting more than 10 to 15 percent of the value of your investment portfolio into art and antiques. The most rewarding returns, however, come from enjoying the beautiful items that lend grace and style to your home. That they may fetch you top dollar in the years to come is an added incentive to own antique mirrors and/or lighting. It also helps that antiques and collectibles have become increasingly popular in the past few years. Here Are Some Valuable Tips on Buying and Selling Antique Furniture: Research Reduces Risk: This means ...

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How To Reupholster Antique Dining Chairs

January 15, 2014 BY Carrocel Interiors | Leave a response

Do your beautiful antique dining chairs need a facelift? Reupholstering them is a great way to give them a fresh new look and brighten up the space. If you have the time and the inclination, you can even try to do it yourself. Below are step-by-step instructions to help you: Remove the seat from your antique chair with the help of a screwdriver. Trace the seat (leaving ¼” on all sides) to create a cardboard template. Use the template to trace and cut foam for each chair. Fix the foam on each seat with the help of an adhesive. Cut your fabric to size: to determine what size you’ll need for each seat, measure the width of your seat across ...

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Quick Tips For Evaluating Antique Furniture

January 7, 2014 BY Carrocel Interiors | 2 Comments on Quick Tips For Evaluating Antique Furniture

Are you in the market to buy antique furniture? Do you know what to look for? If you are new to this, you could end up paying more than necessary or worse, buying a piece that is not authentic. In such cases, it is best to go to antique dealers you can trust. There are many who misrepresent new furniture as genuine antiques; to an untrained eye, it is hard to tell the difference. We have highlighted some important points to make note of while purchasing antique furniture. This is not a comprehensive guide but offers some hints to help steer you in the right direction. 10 Tips For A Quick Evaluation Of Antique Furniture: The dimensions of old furniture ...

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Considering Furniture Refinishing? Think About Furniture Reupholstery Too

December 20, 2013 BY Carrocel Interiors | 13 Comments on Considering Furniture Refinishing? Think About Furniture Reupholstery Too

Furniture Refinishing Most old furniture can look beautiful when restored to pristine condition.Furniture refinishing is one way you can restore an old-looking piece of furniture. However, if you really want to breathe new life into your furniture, you might also want to consider furniture reupholstery. Doing so gives old furniture a new look while retaining the original charm. This can turn a relatively boring piece into something more unique and stylish. Furniture Reupholstery However, before you do any furniture reupholstery, you should make sure that the furniture is not a rare antique. Furniture reupholstering can sometimes decrease the value of some pieces, especially if they are crafted or manufactured by a well-known name and are considered works of art. If ...

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Helpful Tips And Tricks For Easy Antique Furniture Repairs

December 11, 2013 BY Carrocel Interiors | Leave a response

Searching for, finding, restoring and owning an antique is a wonderful hobby. However, along with owning antiques comes the responsibility of caring for them the right way. Antique furniture can often be very easily damaged. Some of the most common causes of damage include simple carelessness, such as bumps and scrapes, or factors that are more difficult to control, such as heat, humidity, and extended exposure to sunlight. When you need to perform antique repairs, you may be worried about the expense. It may be tempting to try furniture repairs for your antique pieces on your own. Experts recommend that you think about the long term value of your valuable antiques and seek skilled professionals for the job. In addition, ...

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Difference Between Antique Restorations And Reupholstering Your Furniture

November 19, 2013 BY Carrocel Interiors | 3 Comments on Difference Between Antique Restorations And Reupholstering Your Furniture

Considering Fine Antique Furniture Restoration? When conducting antique furniture restorations, you may be tempted to reupholster your sofa or dining chairs some of the pieces in order to make them look more attractive and stylish. However, there is also a question as to whether reupholstering will decrease the value of the antique. To answer the question of restoration vs. refinishing, you must first consider the piece you are working with. Experts recommend that a classic piece that is unique or rare, and exhibits fine elements of early artisanship should not be altered. Additionally, if the piece is made by a notable designer or craftsman, it is likewise best to leave the piece in its original condition after performing antique restorations. ...

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Main Causes Of Antique Furniture Damage That Needs Restoration

November 5, 2013 BY Carrocel Interiors | 2 Comments on Main Causes Of Antique Furniture Damage That Needs Restoration

Watch For These Main Causes Of Antique Furniture Damage When you own fine antique furniture, you need to be aware of some of the most common causes of damage. Especially after putting a lot of time into antique fine furniture restoration, you want to be sure to maintain the pristine quality of your vintage furniture. Likewise, if your furniture does suffer unfortunate damage, you should know how to perform basic antique restoration to repair the piece. Much of the damage that occurs with furniture is preventable. Be aware of these common reasons for damage and you will be able to keep your vintage furniture looking beautiful and well maintained. Carelessness — This is one of the major causes of damage ...

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Debunking Common Myths For Antique Furniture Restorations

October 18, 2013 BY Carrocel Interiors | Leave a response

Fine antique furniture that has not been properly cared for in a while can show visible and ugly signs of wear and tear. Sometimes even pieces that receive regular cleaning can exhibit indications of damage due to one careless accident such as a spilled drink or a bad bump. You may feel that you need to have the piece brought in for fine furniture restoration, but often there are many things you can do yourself. It is imperative, however, to ensure that your method for cleaning and restoration will not have any unintended side effects. Some Myths About Antique Furniture Restorations: Some DIYers swear by oil and vinegar. Preparing a solution of the two supposedly helps to repair the old ...

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DIY Antique Restorations Guide

October 4, 2013 BY Carrocel Interiors | 2 Comments on DIY Antique Restorations Guide

Sometimes antique furniture just needs some simple TLC to look beautiful again. Bringing your piece in for restoration is not always necessary if you have the know-how and the proper equipment. With a few simple tips and some general old-fashioned supplies, you can perform your own antique restoration. Tips For DIY Antique Furniture Restoration Before you begin any attempts at antique restoration, it is best to ensure you have the proper items on hand. These will vary according to the maintenance and restoration task, but typically include: A wooden brush with stiff bristles A metal scraper or spatula Cloth gloves Goggles (there may be chips of wood, paint or varnish flying around) Steel wool Lintless cloth Rags Glue A bucket ...

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Selecting And Taking Care Of Your Antique Bedroom Furniture

September 24, 2013 BY Carrocel Interiors | Leave a response

Fine antique furniture can look absolutely beautiful and stylish when in good condition. However, taking care of and cleaning fine furniture requires a few different materials and procedures than you would typically use with regular furniture. Keep These Tips In Mind When It Comes To Proper Antique Custom Furniture Care: First, when purchasing a particular piece, if you aren't quite certain about its proper care requirements, it may be helpful to talk to the person selling the item. Or, seek the advice of a reputable antique custom fine furniture store, who is knowledgeable about antique furniture care. Determine what cleaning items will work best for the material of the furniture. For example, antique bedroom furniture made of natural wood can best ...

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Save Money By Reupholstering And Modifying Your Antique Furniture

September 10, 2013 BY Carrocel Interiors | Leave a response

Many homeowners today are opting for modifying furniture rather than going out and purchasing a whole new set. Doing this can save a considerable amount of money, as well as provide you with several unique pieces crafted from your older furniture that match your own particular style and taste. When modifying vintage furniture, there are several factors to keep in mind that may make the process easier and quicker. Plan Your Style Before you go about modifying furniture, plan on what style of furniture you would like. Traditional, contemporary and modern are some examples of styles you might consider. Next, see if your existing furniture will be able to be modified into the style you desire without extensive work or expense. ...

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Different Styles Of Antique Furniture

August 26, 2013 BY Carrocel Interiors | 19 Comments on Different Styles Of Antique Furniture

How To Identify Different Styles Of Antique Furniture Need some help with identifying antique furniture? Here is a quick guide to help you distinguish between the different looks. It will also help you pick out the one that closely matches your décor and taste. Jacobean: English style (1640-1700), medieval in appearance with straight lines, rigid designs, sturdy construction, ornate carvings and a dark finish. Early American: Modelled after European furniture styles (1640-1700), particularly from England, France, the Netherlands, Scandinavia and Spain. Rudimentary utilitarian furniture made from local woods. William and Mary: Dutch and Chinese influences, characterized by trumpet turned legs terminating in a ball or Spanish foot, padded or caned chair seats, and Oriental lacquer-work. Named after William and Mary ...

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Mixing Modern And Antique Furniture

August 12, 2013 BY Carrocel Interiors | Leave a response

Combining modern and antique furniture can make an impressive statement of style if you achieve the right balance and tone. Knowing exactly how much to keep simple and where to introduce the drama is the key to success. Understand Design Terminology Antique Antique furniture pieces refer to collectible items with high value due to their age. Items are typically considered antique when they are over 100 years old. Vintage These are furniture pieces or designs from a previous generation. A true vintage furniture piece will be over 50 years old. Traditional Design Traditional furniture design is characterized by comfort and elegance. One unique feature of traditional furniture designs is the dark wood tones, including black, espresso, and cherry. It also ...

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Antique Restorations In Toronto

July 25, 2013 BY Carrocel Interiors | 7 Comments on Antique Restorations In Toronto

Give Your Old Furniture A New Look Family heirlooms and vintage furniture can get a fresh lease of life with an established antique restorations furniture company. Don’t throw those precious pieces away; you can still get great value out of them! Antique furniture is typically heavier and more durable than what is available today. Matching the same quality is challenging and can be expensive. A reliable antique restorations service can revitalize an old item with upholstery of your choice for a distinct, one-of-a-kind look. Carrocel's furniture store restoration services are of the finest quality. We have a proven process to bring back the beauty of old and worn out furniture. Whether it is grandma’s rocking chair, an ornate chest of ...

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The Pros And Cons Of Reupholstering An Old Piece Of Furniture

June 26, 2013 BY Carrocel Interiors | Leave a response

Have you ever thought about furniture reupholstery in order to give it a fresh new look? It is an excellent way to extend the life of a favourite chair or preserve a family heirloom. It’s not always the first choice, not only on account of the time and effort involved but also because many people haven’t even considered the option. One reason could be they aren’t aware of reliable furniture stores that provide skilled reupholstering services. Before you decide whether or not you’re going to reupholster an old piece of furniture you might want to consider the pros and cons of doing so. Pros You are reusing a piece of furniture instead of sending it to the landfill. You can ...

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