Tips For Buying Antique Dining Chairs

elegant dining set

Your dining room is a place to entertain family and friends. You can completely transform the space by swapping out your modern dining room set for an antique one. But, antique dining chairs are not always easy to find. Most antique chairs lack the strength to be used daily and others are in need of extensive restoration before they can be used. If you are thinking of creating an elegant dining room using antique furniture, follow these useful tips.

Things to Consider When Shopping for Dining Chairs

The biggest challenge will be finding a complete set of chairs, which may not be possible at all. However, even if you cannot find six of the same antique chairs, remember that some chairs (as long as they are from the same era) can mix and match just fine. While you are shopping, remember to:

  • Pick Your Style And/Or Era – If you already have an antique dining table, pick antique dining chairs that match that style or period. If you do not have a table already, you will need to decide what style you want. From oak to fold down to mahogany, there are lots of styles, finishes, and periods to look at. You can narrow your search by picking out which style suits your dining space.
  • Consider The Quality – While antique chairs can often be restored, you still want quality pieces of furniture. Look at the upholstery and see if there are signs of tears, wear or unraveling. This can be easily fixed by a professional. Next, look at the quality of the craftsmanship. A true antique chair will be handcrafted; no two chairs in the set should be exactly the same. A few minor tool marks are expected, but you should not see any cracks, nails or staples on the surface of the wood.
  • Shop Around – The prices for antique dining chairs can vary, so do shop around. Compare the prices of each shop for similar antique chairs (make sure that they are from the same period and style when comparing prices) to get the best deal.
  • Consider Restoration – As long as the quality of the chair is solid, the finish and upholstery can be restored by a professional. Do not overlook a set of antique dining chairs because their finishes are worn or their upholstery has unraveled.

General Tips for Purchasing Dining Chairs

Consider the Dimensions

Most people tend to prioritize colour over comfort when choosing dining chairs, which is a mistake. While having a chair that looks nice is good, you also want to make sure that you and your guests will be comfortable while seated. Having the right dimensions can improve your comfort. To ensure the chairs are the correct size:

  • Measure the width of the dining chair at its widest point. This is often the front of the seat or at the backrest.
  • Make sure that the chairs can easily slide under the dining table to make tidying easy.

Choose Chairs That Provide Comfort and Safety

When selecting the right chair, considering who will be using it and for how long can affect your decision. To ensure you choose a comfortable chair, look for:

  • Upholstered seats that compress when sitting
  • Backrests that follow the natural curve of the body

If you live with toddlers, individuals with injuries or balance concerns, elderly family members, or pregnant women, consider having at least one armchair at the dining table. The arms add support when getting in and out and offer protection from accidentally falling off the side of the chair. These chairs are best suited for the head of the table.

Think of Your Lifestyle

Your dining chairs should be suited to your lifestyle. Whether you enjoy casual meals with family or frequently host grand banquets, your dining furniture needs to accommodate this.

Low-back dining chairs create a casual ambiance, while high-back options set a formal tone. Well-defined, voluminous chairs work well in large spaces while open back or delicately designed chairs make a smaller room feel spacious. You could also have extravagant end chairs and simple side chairs to create a unique yet balanced look.

Consider Accessibility

In most cases, the dining chairs will often be used elsewhere. For example, they could provide extra seating in the living room if you have guests over. It helps to have chairs that can be easily moved around. Slat back chairs offer a built-in grip location, making them easier to move for younger family members. Chairs with open backrests eliminate visual clutter and provide support, while heavy-set or solid back chairs tend to be difficult to move. Regardless of how often you move your chairs, do not compromise on comfort.

Choose Stable Structures

A particular concern when looking for antique dining chairs is to ensure that they stand firm without wobbling – regardless of the material they are made of. Wooden dining chairs are popular and tend to be quite durable. Chairs made by skilled trades workers using traditional joinery tend to last longer than pieces that have been glued or nailed together.

Choose Easy Maintenance

Every material evokes a unique look and feel – metal adds lightness and sheen, rattan renders a tropical aura, while wood gives off a warm organic feel. In the same way, each material comes with its own maintenance requirements. If you have kids or pets, choosing chairs with minimal fabric is best as they will be able to stand up to the wear and tear.

Cotton blends, tufted or bonded leather, and thick fabrics look good and are easy to clean. For more delicate materials such as velvet or chenille, invest in slipcovers that can be removed and cleaned if the need arises. Wood, the most popular material, is easy to clean but will also change colour with time. To avoid water stains, spills need to be cleaned immediately. If you select metal, ensure it can be cleaned easily and is rust-resistant.

Buy Antique Furniture from a Trusted Fine Furniture Store

When you decide to purchase antique dining chairs, we strongly recommend going through a trusted antique dealer like Carrocel. We have an extensive selection of original and restored antique furniture, which has been professionally restored in-house to the highest standards and using traditional methods.

We offer white glove delivery to any location for your peace of mind, and our customer care team is always ready to provide assistance over the phone or in our showroom. We have been widely recognized for providing an excellent customer experience and are delighted to help you actualize your vision.

Find the Perfect Antique Dining Chair with Us

Are you looking for antique dining chairs in Toronto? Look no further than Carrocel. We have a large variety of restored antique dining chairs in stock and can also assist you with restoring antique chairs you already own. Our experts work to preserve the style and period of the furniture so that you capture the elegance and beauty of these timeless pieces.

Replace or complete your dining room with antique dining chairs from Carrocel. Visit or call us today at 416-999-2525.

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One Response(s) for “Tips For Buying Antique Dining Chairs

  • Bobby Saint says:

    I’m actually planning to buy an antique chair, but have no idea what exactly I should be looking for. Good thing you mentioned about the quality. Antique chairs can certainly be restored, but it’s always nice if you can prevent unnecessary expenses. I’ll make sure to keep this in mind. Thanks for the tip.

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